Colibri - Ethiopia sidamo
Colibri - Ethiopia sidamo
peach, crisp apple, bright lemon, floral
region: sidamo
altitude: 1800-1850 masl
process: washed
variety: landrace
Sidamo is south of Addis Ababa and shares a border with Guji.
Until very recently, Sidamo was a sub-region of Guji but was
formed into its administrative state in 2020. Sidamo is the largest
coffee-growing region in Ethiopia and is we l-known throughout
the world for the quality of its coffee.
Coffee originated in Ethiopia and grows wildly in the coffee
growing regions there. Unlike in other coffee-growing countries,
which have one or very few coffee varieties on a farm, it is far
more varied in Ethiopia. Therefore, most coffee labels say
“heirloom varieties.” Ethiopian coffee farms are generally
extremely small, the vast majority less than 3.5 hectares, and
thus do not produce immense quantities of coffee. So, they band
together into cooperatives or other groups and operate washing